One Day At a TIme
"One day at a time" is a very common saying. When you really think about it, it has a lot of meaning. One day, 24 hours. 24 hours to do what YOU want to do. Do what makes you happy, what makes you a better person, most importantly, doing it at a pace you can handle. Sometimes we think we have to rush, but there is no such thing, and no reason too. When we rush, that often means stress comes along as well. When you are stressed, how can you be happy? How can you accomplish anything at all when all you are thinking about it the next day already, rushing to you. Slow down, take a breathe, and realize there is more to a day than 24 hours. Does 24 hours seem like not enough time? It might not be, but there is always another 24 hours after that. The stress that we put on ourselves because of rushing is terrible. Rushing your way through life is not what life is about at all. 24 hours. 1440 minutes. More than enough time to accomplish anything. If you do not have enough time, you are putting way too much on yourself to handle. Divide your day up, work and make time for yourself. I am not saying that doing nothing is better, but doing something that makes you happy within that 24 hour time period is the best thing for you.
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